Letter From Master Lloyd's Mother
my name is Rosalee Irvin, I'm Master Lloyd's Mother but
everyone calls me Mrs. Rose. I'm the Director of student
services at Lloyd Irvin's Martial Arts, Fitness and Learning
center. I put my son into Martial Arts at the age of 3.
I'm so thankful that I did because it has been one of
the best decisions I've made in my life. You see Master
Lloyd wasn't always this well disciplined person that
everyone now knows. When Master Lloyd was a child the
doctor's wanted to put him on medication because he was
so hyper active. Martial Arts didn't help my son overnight,
you see he was a special case but I'll never forget when
I started to see the changes occur it was amazing. I never
knew how far my son would go with the Martial Arts; just
like every parent I just supported my child in all of
his endeavors and boy did he have a lot of endeavors.
I'll never forget the day when my son was driving me to
pick up my car that I had to have repaired, he told me
with a sincere voice that he now knew what he was going
to do with his vast Martial arts knowledge. He said I
want to make a difference in the World, I don't just want
to be known as a Great Fighter but I want to be known
as someone who cared and made a difference in many lives.
On that day he told me his plan on how he
was going to accomplish it. It was a gratifying feeling
to hear my son talk about such a noble act. From that
day on he never mentioned it again to me he just put his
plan into action. While helping my son on Saturdays it
was amazing how all of the parents would praise what my
son was doing for their child. I would hear comments like
" Mrs. Rose it's a blessing what your son is doing with
these kids" "Mrs. Rose I can't believe it my daughter
made the honor roll for the first time ever" "Your son's
school is the best thing that has happened to our family".
I heard these types of comments everyday I came to the
school and I realized that my son was really making a
difference in people's lives. I also made a decision,
I decided that I was going to retire and come work with
my son fulltime. I wanted to have an active roll on a
daily basis and I can't tell your how fulfilling it is
to be making a difference in so many lives. When my son
commits to something he is unstoppable and he's committed
to helping as many people as possible benefit from his
program. Lloyd Irvin's Thai Jitsu Program/After School
Program will work for you and your family no matter what
you're looking to get out of it. From one parent to another
I would love to meet you and talk to you about how Lloyd
Irvin's Thai Jitsu Program can help you. So please feel
free to call and ask for Mrs. Rose. I look forward to
meeting you in person very soon.
Rosalee Irvin